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Comments for Random Heroes

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Dec. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Needs an option to change difficulty for those seeking more of a challenge. It'd be nice if you could elaborate more on the story and the characters. You can try making them unique by adding certain skills or abilities, not just being another character to get an achievement with. Otherwise, it's a nice and simple platformer, fun to play through.

+ - !



Dec. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I'd really like to be able to check my achievements from the pause menu. I kept getting them, and kept wondering how many more to go. It's an interesting game -- it reminds me a lot of super crate box, but without a lot of the bells and whistles (despite having a higher resolution) -- and I like it as a little snack of a game. Good controls, good general design (love the enemies =D), but the difficulty could use a little work =P Also, I kinda want a "random hero" button on the hero select screen, but that's more of a joke about the title.

+ - !



Dec. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Wow... underwear is almost as expensive as a laser rifle...

+ - !



Dec. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Love the style of the game, its just too easy. ITs an awesome base for a game, but upgradeable weapons, maybe even an experience system. Differentiate the characters with unique weapons (ie double jump, dash, grenades, invisibility, earn extra money, etc, etc.) and youve got a real winner on your hands. As a base for a further, more ambitious project this is aces. Also a bit more different music trakcs would be welcomed, i got super annoyed and just listened to my own music after a few levels. 4/5, awesome job! Can't stress enough how much i love the style. More platform elements would be welcomed too.

+ - !



Dec. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Kind of disappointed that new enemies just mimic old ones. I was hoping for the second and third act to be more than a different set of sprites. Also, what exactly is the purpose of "Beat the Boss with ___" if all Characters are identical? It's a nice basis but doesn't really do anything interesting.

+ - !



Dec. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) This lacks any difficulty and incentive to keep playing.

+ - !



Oct. 04, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Game is pretty cool 5/5

+ - !



Dec. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) thanks alot emo kids you sjust spread the zombie plague on to the world and a person who looks like abrhamLincoln has to stop it

+ - !



Dec. 14, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Needs kongregate achievements.

+ - !



Jun. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) totaly epic

+ - !



Dec. 14, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I find this game tediously easy. Game mechanics are uninspired. Music is good, graphics are nice.

+ - !



Dec. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Add a medium, hard, and insane difficulty level perhaps?

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Dec. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) those emos better be happy we have unlimited ammo, never have to reload, and stainlesssteel underpants, or i would hunt them down!!

+ - !



Dec. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Sweet Game!! Reminds me of mario! I think you should add achivitments though!

+ - !



Dec. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Great game, the simplicity that you dont just see these days is in this game and is potrayed well. I just could suggest a little stuff to make it MUCH better. 1. Make noticable differences between the characters, like Bubbawheat's comment. 2. The Bosses are a little to easy and all of them (including the final boss) have one pattern, make at least 3 or 4 for a decent one. 3. I was saving up for the pulse rifle after the minigun, i bought it and used it. With the minigun it took me about 30-45 sec for final boss. Pulse rifle, about 1 min to 2 min. For the love of god, make the pulse rifle (the said-of strongest weapon in-game because of it's price) more powerful and look cooler. Make the shots look like awesome lasers instead of barfballs. 3.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) "Shoot your way through alien invaders in this action platformer!" I thought they were zombies? Lol. I agree with the previous comments about the need for different equipment for different characters. I think also that the weapons should be more expensive. 4/5.

+ - !



Dec. 07, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I give a shit on the achievements. I'LL NEVER GIVE A ROCKETLAUNCHER TO A PSYCHO!

+ - !



Dec. 06, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) its too easy to get money, need more upgrades, lvl up system, faster walking, more characters and an upgrade to get a helper/body gaurd. other than that 5/5

+ - !



Dec. 06, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) This game is a fun little pastime, but hardly a gem. There are several annoyances: I had all the best gear at the start of the second world, I had all the achievements except those involving using another (identical!) character after my first play-through (seriously, an achievement for killing ONE enemy?), and the level design is blocky and doesn't change much between worlds. That said, I did play it to the end, and it has a retro feeling that makes you appreciate what's good about the new times. 2/5

+ - !



Dec. 06, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Achievement = Beat the game w/o spending a single coin. Achievement unlocked btw ;)

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Personally I can't rate this game any higher than 3/5 due to a few flaws. 1. Platforms move much too slowly. 2. The level design feels very uninspired. 3. You can't drop down through platforms. 4. Enemies are too easy and don't have any real variety. 5. Guns have no variety and you can too easily skip from first to last. 6. The game is far too easy, due to enemies weak A.I. and overpowered weapons... Overall, I must say the makings of a fun game are there, but it felt more like a chore to play it.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Little advice: When the player dies, he keeps the money. Make the money that the player collected in the stage reset, because you can easily farm gold coins this way, and buy the best things even faster.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Awesome stuff. Keep it coming!

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I liked the game well enough just too easy. Finished it all in one go through without dying once.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Woosh Love this game , Make more weopons and make the money difference greater i got the last gun after I got my shotgun

+ - !



Dec. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Mh, I'm a big fan of action-platformers, but this one was rather lackluster. The level design was uninspired, the weapons were simple, only two types in general. The enemies were simple and, if anything, only challenged you due to poor hitboxing and the lack of ability to control your jump height (that last one really bugged me, if it's an action platformer, especially one with automatic guns, you should be able to have your character jump slightly lower). The bosses especially were easy and overly simple, I beat the last one without taking any damage. Overall, it was just mediocre. 3/5.

+ - !



Dec. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The technique to cheating is to start a level and get all the money then at the end, purposely die and your money won't get reset, and you can be rich for your level :O

+ - !



Dec. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Amazing art direction, absolutely terrible game design.

+ - !



Dec. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Too easy, you don't really get anything for actually getting all the achievements either. Not that it's hard, if you select continue it lets you play the last level as any character you want. Upgrade system felt unrewarding, I bought all the guns at the end and still had over 3k left. Platforming was really easy, enemy patterns repetitive. Kinda felt like playing bionic commando without any of the challenge or hook jumping. I'll give it 3/5

+ - !



Dec. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) experience tells that these sort of games never get updates so sorely needed

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Dec. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) @Drfrye beacause you have to use ur mouse to buy?

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Dec. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Useless guns...Even a rocket launcher can't pierce trash-can armor.

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Dec. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) the last boss was sooooooo easy it was the only boss that didn't doo any damage to me........ and i got all of the badges

+ - !



Dec. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Oh one more thing, heroes don't use weapons , they use superpowers, except for batman.

+ - !



Dec. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I played the gentleman, because it made me feel like a was playing with Professor Layton. Is that horrible? :D Good game, but as others said, I've no real desire to play with the other characters if it's true that there's no differences.

+ - !



Dec. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) It would be nice if we could also close the shop with U key, and shoot the gun with mouse click. Great game otherwise

+ - !



Dec. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Nice game 4/5, it has great game play all you got to do is make it more difficult, maybe a bit harder than the 3'rd chapter. Suggestions on making it harder: Make enemies turn around sooner, it's too easy when they just hit the wall and turn around, maybe make them run past you a bit but than follow you, and making them jump would make them more difficult. Make the things the drip acid drip the acid in bigger droplets, they're too easy to avoid. Make those flying guys shoot, I found those to be the toughest enemy to beat by the way. I think you should add checkpoints in the levels instead of giving the player a lot of hp, but that's just me. And for the weapons maybe instead of having to buy them you have to find them, or unlock them after beating a level. Because I think I got the ray gun on the 5'th level, making the game easy. So basically, you got a good game, just improve level design. 4/5!

+ - !



Dec. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Minigun? Check. Stainless Steel Underpants? Check. Top Hat? Check. Alright, let's do this.

+ - !



Dec. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Right now if there was a possibility to turn left, I already knew what was gonna be there: coins and maybe some health. After a while I stopped even checking them out because I had already bought all my upgrades anyway. The bosses. While not badly done in particular, I felt there was also room for a lot more variety here. You could have made them a lot bigger and better. Also, since you took the effort of adding aditional character classes, why didn't you give them different stats? Now don't get me wrong. You did a lot of things right. But the standard for games like this is pretty high and there is a lot of room for improvement. Keep up the good work. 3/5

+ - !



Dec. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Fun game. The art looks good. The gameplay is simple but effective. However, I see a lot of possible changes that would greatly improve this game.Some of these have already been said. Firstly, the money system should be tweaked. Either you should earn less money or the weapons should be more expensive. (At least the latter ones.) Secondly, More variety in weapons would also be nice. Right now they are all pretty much spammable and thus they all feel the same. But since this is primarily a platformer it's probably not the highest priority. What should be a priority is level design. The gameplay is simple and that's great, but sadly the levels are too simple as well. The door to the next level is always at the far right side of the level. It would enhance the experience to emphesise the levels more towards exploration (a la commander Keen) .

+ - !



Dec. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) The easiest way to beat the game is to buy the pulse laser first!

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Dec. 15, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The last boss was easier than the second

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Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Nice graphics, great controls, but utterly boring in both graphics (levels look only like pallete swap of others), level design (levels are just a collection of giant boxes with platforms between them or some decoration) and game design (game is in some aspects annoying, like how much it take to kill stuff in general, yet is very easy to buy the beast weapon outright on the start).

+ - !



Mar. 05, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Needs badges! Vote up if you agree!

+ - !



Dec. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Now this is a hot game. Megaman shooting with nice upgrades. The music is pumping and fits right in with the game pace. I would have liked a jump upgrade. Double jump or just increased height. I've found a few places where if you fall, that's it. You miss out on other paths. Other than this, spot on. Would have been a hit in the SNES days. I could easily see this as a handheld game.

+ - !



Dec. 06, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) A jolly little casual platformer. Entertaining in that "old school" way I love so much. I have only one little niggle; that the different characters had different abilities. Otherwise I've been wholly entertained :)

+ - !



Dec. 06, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Too easy to get all the best stuff, hence you get it too early. You need WAY more colors in the palette, the visual design is boring and depressing. Also, you need way more enemies. Like a lot of stuff on Kong, this is a decent start of a game. Now finish it!

+ - !



Dec. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Not so spectacular. I explored the first few levels entirely, but after getting enough money for the last weapon, I simply rush through every remaining level due to the boredom. And the bosses have really simple move patterns. Overall, the game is too easy and sort of repetitive.

+ - !



Dec. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Started by buying the two books that increase your money because, y'know, it makes the most financial sense to buy those first. Then I went for all the books and armour, then the most expensive gun I could find. The pistol seemed to work fine up 'till I bought the plasma gun, and I didn't really feel a difference between them. This was shortly after the first boss. After that, I played on normally for a while, exploring like you do, until I'd bought everything sheerly from looking for something to do with all the money I had kicking around. This was some time shortly after the second boss.After this point, instead of collecting and exploring like normal, I just sprinted to the end of the dungeon as fast as I could without knowing the layout. I got all the achievements except the 250 coins and the character specific achievements. After realising that all the characters were the same, I decided I did not want to 100% the achievements for this game.

+ - !



Dec. 06, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I used to be an adventurer like these guys, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

+ - !


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