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the reach upgrade kinda makes things more difficult. and DO NOT crash into the navy fear(the big blue guys) they will super kill you.
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One out of a million cases the creater of the bot isn't ticklish.
*Bot gone mad* I TICKLE MASTER
*He tickles him* Master sais" Yeah yeah, back in the cage bud.
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Awesome game, with awesome music! Love the controls, love the music, love the little "your greatest moment" snapshot it takes after each level. 5/5!
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It took me until level 9 to figure out he little balls that dropped were powerups and not random body parts/corpses/gore....
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wierd, the game wont load, it starts loading then a lock appears on the left of the bar and it just resets itself and dosent move. 1/5
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i just finished playing the tickler and so i went to sleep but then i had i dream that the tickler was trying to kill me and take my money to upgrade himself it was one of the most scary nightmare i ever had
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Finally. Just got the hard badge. It only took me I think 6 tries but my wrist is killing me from holding down the mouse. Personally, the top comment of spinning around in a circle didn't work for me. Through trial and error I found a system that worked really well. I can't really explain how I did it though, sorry. Try the spinning thing and if it doesn't work, just keep trying new tactics and new ways of doing things. You'll get 300 as long as you're patient enough, and find what works for you.
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hmmm.. so. your a robot named.. tickler.... and you go around choking zombies. speaking of which, how did the zombies even get there? like. it should show a story line of you throwing the scientist into some chemicals and it makes a whoe bunch of zombies. seriously thou. AHHH ITS TICKLER RUN AWAY!!! ......
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"All zombies beware there is a deadly robot going around who goes by. . . , is this right?" "Yep its right" "ok so it goes by "The Tickler?" "
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I want u to be able to choose different classes like laser, saws and electricity and u would be better at that weapon
click + if u like this idea
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I noticed that under upgrades, if you go to the right claw section, all the description are for left claw and vice versa. It's not a major flaw to the game just something I saw