Placement |
Size |
Placement Location |
Formats Accepted |
Rich Media |
Max Expanded Dimensions |
Max File Size |
3rd Party Tags |
Audio |
Animation |
Lead Time |
Other |
Leaderboard |
728x90 |
browser page,
game page,
badges page,
community/forum pages
GIF, JPG, html5 |
All rich media accepted on a testing basis |
728x500 |
75kb (Static), 200kb (html5) |
Polite Load - 2MB- minimum 4 second delay after start of page load before 2 MB files |
Audio must be user initiated, close button must be clearly visible throughout entire ad execution |
30 sec max for initial movie, 24 fps max, 3 loops max |
3 business days |
- Expandable 728x90's must be click-to-expand and expand down
Med Rec |
300x250 |
browser page,
game page,
badges page
GIF, JPG, html5 |
All rich media accepted on a testing basis |
600x500 |
75kb (static), 200kb (html5) |
Polite Load - 2MB- minimum 4 second delay after start of page load before 2 MB files |
Audio must be user initiated, close button must be clearly visible throughout entire ad execution |
30 sec max for initial movie, 24 fps max, 3 loops max |
3 business days |
- Expandable 300x250's must be click-to-expand and expand to the left
Pre-Roll |
600x400 preferred but up to 640x360 accepted |
Game page
MP4 |
N/A |
N/A |
5MB |
VAST (Up to 3.0), VPAID (JS Up to 2.0) |
Auto Initiated |
30 seconds max |
3 business days |
- Video file - 16:9 aspect ratio, Bit Rate: minimum 800 kbps, Frame Rate: 15 - 29.97
- Flash file - 16:9 aspect ratio, Bit Rate: 250 - 400 kbps
Game Spotlight |
281x90, 173x262 |
browser page,
game page
N/A |
N/A |
75kb |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
5 business days |
- Game Icon: 66x66, 173x137
- Game Title: 20 characters max
- Game Description: 50 characters max
- Clickthrough URL: Direct link or click tracker
Homepage Blade Unit |
Auto Expand to 970x418 for 7 sec and auto collapse into a 970x66. User initiated expansion |
HTML, DHTML, JavaScript |
All rich media accepted on a testing basis |
Collapsed State: 970x66 pixels
Expanded State: 970x418 pixels
100kb (Static), 200kb (html5) |
100K Initial load, 2MB Polite load |
User-initaited by an onClick event |
5 business days |
- Behavior
- Pushdown - Auto-Initiated: Expected Ad Behavior
- Pushdown loads in dimension of 970x800 pixels or expanded state upon initial page/site load.
- Third party view impression tracker can be included.
- 970x418 expanded state can contain video trailer, interactive game or multiple calls to action.
- 970x418 expanded state will remain open for 7 seconds. Unit will contract without any required action from user.
- On close, the unit will return to a 970x66 leave behind, user can click to expand after the auto expand closes.
- Frequency is restricted to once per browser session for Auto Pushdown.
- Close button with CLOSE text must be present and clearly visible throughout the entire ad execution.