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Points needed for next level: 60 Level

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    Somewhere in the United States
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    Aug. 05, 2018
Player type: F2P (Free-to-play) Last known stats: * Newest card(s) kept/upgraded/fused: [Angel of Wisdom], [Fossil], [Pastry Cat], [Sandy x2], [Space], [Spirit] * 31 gold combo cards, * 69 gold final-form cards (carefully chosen for stats and/or fusion abilities), * 82 diamond final-form cards (4th copies with unwanted fusions are recycled.) * Onyx final-form cards? (I'm waiting on onyx shards to boost their levels.) * Onyx combo cards? Yup. I use all of mine regularly. (All of which were free from daily goblins!) * 348 unique cards collected, and * 1290 combinations researched. I encourage everyone to keep trying, and do their very best!! ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Tip: When tapping a combo card in battle, consider that the game automatically shows the combination with the highest TOTAL stats. (If there's a tie, it selects the leftmost card participating in the tie.) Take this into consideration, while also looking at the situation. If your health is low, you may wish to choose a final outcome with high defense. But if your opponent is almost dead, you may wish to select highest attack. ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Tip: It's smart to check and see EXACTLY how much more experience is needed to level up [Tap your profile icon (upper left of "main screen" just after title screen]. If your energy is full, but you only need 64 experience to level up, fight Chloe 3 times (Each Chloe fight yields 20 xp at onyx level if you didn't get xp bonus item yet). Then, you could fight the little town/little island boss of your choice. This way, you get FOUR goodies -- gold, playable cards and/or upgrade boosts (worth 24 dust each) instead of just ONE. Likewise, if you have 30 energy but only need 5 xp to level, it's a great time to spend 8, 9, or 10 energy for a fight against your hardest little island foe. (Your energy immediately refills if you win [and you couldn't have spent the "extra energy" either way], and you can try again if you lose [or with the last of your energy defeat someone easy to get your energy refilled anyway]. ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Tip: "Desperately aggressive" alpha males and little kids are typical and predictable in all games of conflict. For example, when they attack with a fused Monster Sword that's 70/35, or spam max level diamond FF cards. Don't worry though. There are 3 simple (and relatively obvious) things that even low-level/beginning players can do to effortlessly cancel such sophomoric attempts at victory. (Zero rare cards are needed -- such as gold combo, onyx combo or diamond final form cards. Zero Master Alchemist abilities are needed, and extremely minimal dust.) What are the 3 simple "counters"? ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Tip: During heroic events it's smart to reshuffle if your hand lacks "synergy" { cards that interconnect}. I'd also like to encourage you to use your final-form cards until you are holding 5 different combo cards. Look for a way to combine 2 cards so that the remaining 3 interconnect (a "trinity"). A strong trinity is good -- such as [Knight], [Superhero] and [Rainbow] because any 2 of these can be combined to make desirable outcomes. But, a weak trinity is ok, too -- such as [Earth], [Water] and [Fairy]. If all 3 are bronze cards, any 2 you choose will make a weak combo, but at least you're guaranteed not to lose any of your combo points (on the next turn or two). ... besides you might be able to: * draw a gold combo card that can be combined with something in your hand, * draw an onyx combo card that can be combined with something, and/or * draw your best final-form cards to defeat your current foe and reshuffle prior to the match against your next opponent. ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Tip: Onyx combo cards can be purchased for 1000 gold skulls from the heroic shop. But when combined with any gold combo card, they make a card that is MINUS ONE/MINUS ONE compared to the final-form versions (which only cost 250 gold skulls from the same shop). For example: A Smug card made from combo cards is only 30/25 (even if the Dragon card is onyx), but a final-form Smug is 31/26. Sure, you can combine 2 onyx cards to get higher final stats, but you get free onyx cards from daily onyx goblins. (In fact, ALL of my Onyx cards were received this way for free.) Also: spending 250 gold skulls (on the FF2 category) can yield villian cards... which have 28 total starting stats (62 at max level) . Other FF diamond cards only have 18-25 total starting stats (50-57 at max level). For example: my Elemental Stones and Tarrasque cards are currently 32/25. My Anna and Lucy cards are 32/28 (before fusing to deal double damage... totaling 64/28). Just something to consider before spending gold skulls "willy-nilly". ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Tip: Fused cards "promising" to heal you, should generally be avoided. Combo points are spent in hopes of dealing "lifedrain damage", but this number does NOT include damage your opponent heals!! It's no good. ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Tip: Onyx fragments are needed to assemble (and upgrade) your onyx final-form cards. They are gathered for free in the following ways: * Participating in (and achieving mid-to-high ranking) in heroic events, (Although it doesn't SAY heroic event, it's what players are calling their bi-weekly portal event.) * Participating in (and achieving mid-to-high ranking) in weekly arena events, * Participating in seasonal arena events (every 3-4 months), * Spending gems on time-restricted packs. • Make sure the cardpool says it has a chance of giving onyx shards. • I've included this as a "free" method for attaining onyx shards since gems are received for free from the following sources: * Daily goblins (gold, diamond or onyx level), * Completing gem offers for free gems, and * Defeating at least 1 player in the arena for 5 consecutive days (opening the large arena chest has given me 2 gems on multiple occasions). I hope this information proves helpful for some of you. Knowledge and acute attention to detail(s) has yielded quite a few cards for me so far.

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