Hello Protesters *wink* Development Goals1. Make a game with 15,000 plays . Complete 2. Make a game with 30,000 plays . Complete 3. Make a game with 50,000 plays. Complete 4. Make a game with 120,000 plays. Complete 5. Make a game with badges. Incomplete 6. Make a game with 600,000 plays . Incomplete 7. Make a game with 1 million plays . Incomplete 8. Make a game with 5 million plays . Incomplete 9. Make a game with 15 million plays . Incomplete I’m sorry, but there’s not enough air in here for everyone. I’ll tell them you were a hero. Winner of Game in Ten Days Contest #1 How to make money developing games Job: Killer Whale Activity FeedST3ALTH15 has not published any activity yet.Would you like to post a shout to welcome them to Kongregate? AwardsMobile BadgesMy Games |