I got divorced in Anti Idle: The Game chat room #1, AMA. So anyway, you may know me from mid-2012, where I was really annoying and pretty much hated to death by everyone. If you look at my post history, you can see why. Well, I’ve improved since then, or at least, I’m trying to. I doubt I can mend my reputation, but hopefully, you can understand that I am not the same beast as I used to be. So… a little about me. Well, I’m a huge Pokémon fan, and my favorite is Zangoose. On here, I mostly just play Anti-Idle or some short puzzle games. I’m a devoted Atheist, and find no reason to believe there is a god. If I was given solid proof, I’d consider it, but probably not convert. I’m also gay, if you care about that for some reason. And… that’s it, really. You can find me on some other websites such as: Roblox: Thepenguinking2 And my Discord ID is Juice that makes you explode#1516. I also have an account in these places, but I never go there anymore. Most of the information on these accounts will likely be years outdated:
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