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This game isn't bad... The only bad thing is that not much people play it and it gets boring lke that... JIGGMIN RULEZ!!! ThumbZ up if you agree ^^
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I'm all alone....NOBODY PLAYS THIS GAME NO MORE! *Poop comes* AHHHHH *Gone* NOBODY PLAYS THIS Game. Lets wait till V2
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I think Jiggmin's Platform Racing 2 is quite better than Kongregate Racing, because:
1 - Platform Racing 2 has a level editor and you can use it to create levels.
2 - Platform Racing 2 has a chat bar inside it, even though Kongregate also has one on the right side, but probably 2 chats are more fun to use.
3 - You get to customize your racer in Platform Racing 2.
Jiggmin has great features.
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I always thought it was a great game, but when i played it i noticedIT IS A BIG F**KIN PIECE OF POO!@#$%^&*,________10000000000000000000000000000000000000/5