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Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Same developer ChicagoMan. I think it was a remake. The game's good, better than Defender in my opinion. Good job with 3-D and the new stuff.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Much much better than Defender. Still some slight tweaks needed. "Immune to all" is really annoying. Especially on early waves. A Gold boost would be nice. Some for of income system, IE capture a mine to earn +25 starting gold or something. Glitch where you can't select anything on screen now occuring. New graphics for Level up would be nice.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) wtf

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) This game seems copied..

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Really like this game, only two really really small issues. It tends to slow down when a lot is going on and it would be nice to have a graphical update as you upgrade your mens... 5/5

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) I agree in that absorption is almost a game-breaker - there's no way to anticipate (except by repeated playing, and remembering what comes next) which kinds of absorption abilities enemies are likely to have, and further, you often seem to need lots of a particular type of damage for some wave, and then have an enemy that absorbs that type of damage coming later. With no mechanism to stop a certain type of mage from firing, and no way to counter the absorption, this just seems to be a bad idea to have in the game. Otherwise the concept works very well.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Ridiculous to have enemies that heal from certain types of damage when you can't stop your guys from firing. There are some good ideas that could be added to a good game. But worse graphics and worse gameplay than DTD1.5 means it is pretty pointless right now.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Those saying that absorb just makes it do no damage are wrong: it's easy to see it if you select a monster with it and watch its health as it walks though a cluster of absorbable towers. The health starts going back up even if they dont have Regen.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) I think he couldnt put delete, the game should get too easy with delete units. And the absorb is essencial to a hard game. 5/5

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) This game also freezes on me anytime a mob is killed. I've tried turning music and SFX and turning quality to LOW, but it's not helped. The freezing really makes the game unplayable.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) very good game. couple things: tooltips would be nice when you mouse over your units (or at least a box that tells you what you clicked on when you select a unit, like most other TD games). also it would be helpful if it explained more clearly what was happening when you upgrade? like what does upgrading a blue mage special do? doesn't seem to slow anyone down or anything. anyway, good game. hope to see a sequel. hot graphics would be nice. :)

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Absorb really sucks. You do your best to play a good defense game and make sure to have a good balance of elements..... and then, say, an Absorb zombie horde wave comes along, and knocks off 75% of your lives. And all you can do is watch it happen, since you can't destroy towers or turn them off.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Fun, but hard... some basic improvements could be made, like selling units, and telling what type of damage towers do, but all in all, alot of fun. 4/5

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Absorb means they TAKE NO DAMAGE, NOT converting enemy damage into health.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) the purple mage's specialty reduces the enemy's resistance-making themmore vulnerable to other specialties. won't help if they are immune to lightning to, though. oh, and dexers are useless against all flying enemies-very annoying!

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) I agree that the game needs a please don't fire on this critter option, or even just a the people are smart enough not to fire on things that absorb their attacks feature. I also agree that it would be really nice if the little buggers could walk around between waves, they are people after all.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) So Addicting! I keep playing! But how do you sell units? 3/5 I decided to be more thinking of my votes. ^,^ I would like that you don't need to click again to see the stats of an wave. Anyway it's an good UD. The best UD I played. (Unit Defense ^,^)

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) its a good game and I like the map Idea which is an improvement over the first, but the guys look less detailed as they did before and I miss having them upgrade their apperance as they levveled up, just for that feature I think ill go play the original...

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Erixson, To beat the easy marathon, simple build 2 purple buffer towers, pile on the reds, one necro. and save all your money from about wave 32 or so, then just pile down the dexers. only in the best places, and upgrade them he went around about 3 times before he fell over for me.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Your documentation is very clear and well-written. It's refreshing to see someone on here that actually cares about spelling and grammar in their games.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) is there a way to sell troops? i wish there was, i placed a bad one down against a group who were resistant, and i got owned...

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Why do Necromancers do energy dammage ? That unbalances things really badly. And it's not mentioned in the manual.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) An improvement on Defender, for sure! The elemental symbols are easier to recognise, the rules are a -lot- clearer, and there's more stage variety. Still the same game, but definitly a good update!

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) also... you have ignored all the people who told you about the stupid design mistake in defender where there's no way to tell what paths the enemy are taking other than to deliberately lose a level. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Lastly (?), on the potential upgrade list for general it doesn't list the added range incriment so I am betting it doesn't list the speed either - if you indeed do get that one.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) much better than crappy defender. I gave it 4/5 then I died because the mouse picking is STILL broken (learn to use a mask and to write a mousehandler!), and it WOULD NOT LET ME place a piece until the enemy had walked past. So, I just changed it to 2/5 To the author: seriously, if you would just code your game properly, you'd get a lot more popularity for your games!

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Forgot to add - possible to change icons when levelling up? It makes it easier to see which you can afford to do rather than click them all.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) I believe electricity lowers elemental immunity. I wish it also lowered absorption. But on a side note due to absorption there is a use for dexters now.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) You need to change the way experience is distributed and leveling up. At the moment, the front line of defence gets all the experience until you get to a certain point where the front line get swarmed, but because the back line of defence have seen nothing of the enemy they are ridiculously under prepared to deal with the stupidly high powered enemy at that point. Maybe rounding out the experience to be given to each tower would be a better solution.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Red mages are a little overpowered (or the other mages are underpowered, either way). Reds do so much damage they level up twice as fast as the other mages.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) franchi!!!!!!

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Ah - thanks. I saw the skill tree when first going through but forgot about it.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) 5/5 The simple diversity in units from Defender was a good TD, but with the addition of the skill system, this game has become a beast of longevity. I really like the fact that the game makes a conscious effort to push a strong plan over twitch selling like that which dominates the high scores in Desktop TD, allowing one to simply sit back and relax once everything's proceeding well enough. I agree with Vertigozero1; the ability to see the wave's stats without having to click on them would be nice. Also, is there any way you could stack the right-hand side of skills on top of one another? Multiple clicks just strengthens it, after all. The free space could be used for something like activated skills that allow you to just drop a burst of damage in an element or something like that. I just think that activated skills could really expand this game into the next level. Great job over all. One of the best TDs I've ever played.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) What does the purple mages electric specialty do?

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Anyone else notice that every single sprite and sound effect is ripped straight from Ultima Online?

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) get rid of the regen function... and you move up from 4 to 5 stars

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) This game SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) I got around the noclick-bug by clicking the sound panel and then returning to the game. Sell and pause would be nice.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) This is a great game; thanks for keeping tower defense games alive! Deceptively simple at first, fiendish at later levels, the diversity and strategy required is an outstanding addition to a favorite genre. It would be nice to be able to see the level of units without having to click on them, and as in any game, a pause button is necessary. Without belaboring the point, as I know it's been mentioned extensively, the ability to destroy units without recouping any expense would be nice since it's not possible to sell. That being said, the inability to sell really drives the point home that you need to carefully plan your defense, and consider the ramifications of any purchase. Keep up the good work, and I hope to see more of these!

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) the worst defence game in my life!

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Very Addicting >.>

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) No selling towers? Seriously? That is lame.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) 1/5 game blows.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) iranaeus: you have to use skill points to unlock the special units

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Absorption really does suck. Need lots of Dexters. How do you unlock the special units? 8 ranks in special? I also got 8 ranks in general and no speed increase.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) just boring and similar to.. uh.. everything?

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) BTW: Absorb doesn't mean regen HP when attacked. The regen is another skill that always works. The absorb means it does 0 damage.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Lobster: It's just you :) It lags a bit for me, but runs smoothly on low quality (no freezing at all).

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) The Regen buff on a boss completely ruins it. Seems impossible to kill the last boss on even the Easy marathon because of it, especially since he also absorbs damage from one tower type. This one of the best TD games I've played except for the above fact. at the very LEAST it needs some sort of function to tell your guys to stop firing. In my opinion, get rid of the Regen thing altogether.

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Make that 3/5, I'm getting a lot of fun out of it in spite of its flaws.

+ - !


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