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Comments for Remnants of Skystone

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Jan. 29, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Its a fun game, and once again the aspect of "Hey, gimme some money and I will mak e a flash game on a FREE site fully available!"

+ - !



Jan. 29, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) So you guys want $100 for a lifetime membership for a flash game? No offense, that might seem like a good price for a "lifetime", but seriously how long do you think I'm going to stay interested in a flash game? That means it has inherently worse graphics, programming, sound, and basically everything else. Do you think anyone would last a year playing this game? I guess so, good luck. I'd much prefer to pay for a year of WoW.

+ - !



Jan. 29, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Very nice game, but very very slow on my computer...

+ - !



Jan. 29, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Awesome, I can play now.

+ - !



Jan. 28, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Fun game, but I can see it getting old pretty quickly. I think you also drastically overestimate the amount of money people are going to be willing to pay for it - you're charging barely less per month as games made by teams of professionals with far more content. I might pay $20 max for a lifetime membership - I spent it on the stupid Artix games - but $100? C'mon.

+ - !



Jan. 28, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) H O L Y S H I T!!! I stoped playing this game a couple months ago and now BAM you update teh crap outa it, its amazing

+ - !



Jan. 28, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) This game is great! the only thing I don't like is when you die and when are really low on health it goes sloooooooooooooow. could you fix it? anyways, 5/5 (if it let me rate it)

+ - !



Jan. 27, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) The game is pretty good, but personally, I think it could use some more variety. I also don't like the way you always need to include Kreds in every kong-developed game. The only other way to get equipment and food is to purchase with spores, which takes much too long. You either need to remove Kreds or make acquiring spores at lot easier. Preferably both.

+ - !



Jan. 27, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I agree with Damienamus, if we're beta-testing a game for you, make us members. Also, you should try to make those jetpack-with-lots-of-spikes-and-steam parts easier. Overall, great game though.

+ - !



Jan. 27, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I officially take back most of my earlier comments on loading times. The last patch greatly reduces them. (There's still loading times, but they're quite tolerable now.)

+ - !



Jan. 26, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Woot! Non-member fizz brewing! :D

+ - !



Jan. 26, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) this is one of those annoying games that persuade you to buy membership when it doesn't realize that 80% of people are too poor or don't care. but it is a good concept and good game play.

+ - !



Jan. 26, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) nice game, but it gives me too much lagg

+ - !



Jan. 25, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Love this game :) :) :)

+ - !



Jan. 25, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) No trading system. Too much alike as Habbo.

+ - !



Jan. 25, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) The game is nice and all, but it makes absolutely no sense to recruit for *free* beta-testing, if we should *pay* to play this game fully. I mean I'm beta-testing what? 50% of the actual game? What's the point? Else I have to pay for an unfinished game still in test stage? Shouldn't the point of FREE beta testing is to play FREE in exchange for our TESTING? It's a rip-off. Anyways, nice game.

+ - !



Jan. 25, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) The quests where u have to kill exactly X monsters are somehow annoying if u miss one of them

+ - !



Jan. 24, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) it would be a nice feature if you were able to trade with other players.

+ - !



Jan. 24, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Be nice if there were customizable stats for each level than 1 of each, besides the member only thing.

+ - !



Jan. 24, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) im split on weather to buy a lifetime membership or not =/

+ - !



Jan. 23, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) What's with the lever the opens the vertical sewer shaft, near the bottom right of the sewers. You can only get there from that side of the map anyway. Only thing is that it can be glitched so that you need to restart map to open sewer.

+ - !



Jan. 23, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Let's make a wiki.

+ - !



Jan. 23, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) In the factory, in the room with 3 switches, if you come back, you can close one of the gates and it won't let you reopen till you come back.

+ - !



Jan. 23, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) stupid bees

+ - !



Jan. 23, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) kickass

+ - !



Jan. 23, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I <3 Hellhoppers

+ - !



Jan. 23, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) this is pretty cool wasn't expecting a good MMO on kong ever

+ - !



Jan. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) not bad not good either

+ - !



Jan. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) good game 5/5

+ - !



Jan. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) reminds me a lot of the gameboy metriod...

+ - !



Jan. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) The chins are kinda large, esp. on the females.

+ - !



Jan. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I forgot what I was missing. :( I'm back now. <3

+ - !



Jan. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) w00t, barely made the cutoff.

+ - !



Jan. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) its interesting, but its not the type of game I can find myself playing for a long time. It just doesn't have enough of one thing, bit of action, bit of a platformer, bit of an adventure, bit of customizing (a lot if you pay... but well...). try and make it really good at one of those, then work other features in

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I've just played through the first mission twice. Each time it lost the connection. Screw this. I was going to rate this 5/5, but I can't even get through the first level without my game freezing.

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Very refreshing concept for an mmo. The grind is still there but it somehow feels more bearable in 2d. Naturally all the good stuff costs and I'm not gonna use any real money on games if I can avoid it. The quests themselves are enough to keep me entertained for now. And you just can't go wrong with Steampunk... ever. 4/5 (if rating would be possible)

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) when in a load screen it seems to slow down when loading player character.

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) It costs 100$ in Kreds for permanent memberships... Sheesh! Lower it to 20-30 and 6-7 times the people would buy it.

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) sorry about that comment i was very very angry it wasnt my intention to say that here on kong its true that anger makes people crazy. Good game 5/5 lot of loading but is stilla good game :D

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) my mom is a fukin bitch she says this game is very violent i hate her

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) oooh i feel so l33t

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) The only problem with playing the game is even though I level 30, I'm a complete newb compared to everyone else.

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) LOTS OF LOADING.

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Hmm. Very fun game except it feels awkward that in order to attack you can't be moving. And to solve the problem of whether you want to attack diagonally while standing still or moving, as Galador said set a button to an anchor. But, it appears as though this game is, for the most part, already finished. Oh well

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Galador, just hit up, THEN in a direction to aim horizontally, rather than direction, then up.

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) cool

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) A lot of loading.

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Not so exciting and a little bit slow on loading 3/5

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Pretty good

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Cool game, I like it :D

+ - !


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