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If you want to find better creatures go to the upper right corner of the dungeon and you will usually find something good.
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PROTIP: 1) The first 6 characters from the second-to-last row can be unlocked in the level with the long broken bridge and the flock of white birds. 2) All the small characters after that (starting with the babies but mostly based on indie computer-games like Aquaria and Braid) will only appear one at a time in the hidden area at the top of the level that starts with dropping down a narrow shaft. It requires a flying character to reach. 3) All the non-dragon 2x2 bosses (including the final two) can appear in the upper-right corner of the level that starts you on dark grey stone with a bit of a white-brick platform peeking onto the screen from the right (it has goblin-tunnels in the lower right). 4) You can hit Esc and go back to character-screen to randomly regenerate the level without completing it. If you know a level is useless, you can keep retrying until you get one that isn't. Happy collecting! (Vote this up if it's helpful.)
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I don't really care about the graphics too much. As long as it's a playable-well coded and designed game, then I'm for it.
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I just beat the game with and unlocked all the 314 creatures. and didn't get anything. T_T. All those precious hours... Whyyyyyyyyyyyy?!?
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I like all the unlockable characters. I don't like the abilities, the levels, the graphics, nor the length of the game.
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a "solid" health bar so I can see how much I need to heal would be nice; the black on black makes it 'difficult' at best and the red 'haze' fill is just annoying (imho).
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unlock the parrot, fly through every dungeon to find the dragons. then kill the dragons with your parrot despite of the rsi in your arm by smashing the x button.
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qwerty, the KONG version on rotmg was made before this, but not the actual game.Honestly, I think this game is weird but its kinda cool, but it should of made their own pixels and not have copied from rotmg.
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The best characters early game are the troll king and the birdman series, the troll king has shock which deals 10 damage and has a really short cooldown AND is ranged, and the birdman can fly. Both are easy to unlock too
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PROTIP: Start with the Holy Warrior guy (Cure Wounds, Stab, Charge). Once you unlock Goblin Priest (Magic Missile, Magic Jump, Cure Wounds), use it for the rest of the game; it's the best character.
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Nice game, altho everything's minuscule and tiny and sometimes buggy... The necromancer's great, but often the skeletons don't seem to attack. 3/5 still for me
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Here are is a thingyou ROTMG fans should know.He didn't took the sprites are the same cause he found the same pixel editor that was made by oryx ( also wild shadow AKA creator of ROTMG )Please rate this comment good so pepole won't whine about it.
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Why are the dungeons locked once I leave them? That's a shame, if I left the dungeon prematurely, I cannot go for them again.
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"z, x, c" -> Facepalm. When will people learn that there are so many more users that use different keyboard layouts thatn QWERTY. Please make that configurable, if you must use that layout for your game :(
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If you want to get the achievements as quick as possible, i recommend you the demon. Fly through the levels and kill everything in an instant with your flame breath.
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This game sorely needs a sequel implementing all the suggestions in the comments. And to have double-sized characters. Seriously I can't tell whether I have someone or not because so many of the 'race+job' style unlocks all look the same except for a single coloured pixel. Creator needs to hook up and collab with some other pixel-game makers to really polish this out probably. Also, an online component would be nice as well (create your own levels + co-op would be best)
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this games messed up. You can't play it when selecting levels. Mouse dissappeares, lags? how do you know how much hp you have? its repititive needs more work put into it, equipment and such more then it would be a quite good game!
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Choose necromancer. It can summon a bunch of minions that never go away, ever get into trouble, just lure foe into a bunch of your minions. Range attack. And can heal up damage. All extremely useful.