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Comments for Demonrift TD

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Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) (4/4) --The Rift doesn't generate resources, so it's pointless to place a Mine there. However, by that point, you should have 2 Mines, 4 Towers, 5 Strongholds, 5 Barracks, and 3 Workshops, covering the other 19 towns. You should have an easy time with the rift with that set of buildings. If you're a completist, continue after your victory and drop a Stable on top of it just for the added insult. Hope that helps those who have been having trouble with the game!

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) (3/4) --Once you have the Golem, he will be your melee unit of choice. You'll want to buy his Wall 1 upgrade ASAP, followed quickly by Earthshake 1. Upgrade Ironcore to give him a little more staying power, but with a couple of Golems in a formation, the rebuilding rate should be high enough to send new ones back to the fight as they fall. If you want to get the level 2 upgrades, they'll definitely make your life easier, but go with Wall 2 first. The Wall upgrades don't just stop extra enemies, they let your Golem hit them all at once, too, and bunch them up nicely for a little Earthshake love. --With all three Workshops in place, the Golem costs less to recruit than the Knight and only a little more than the Archer. At this point, Knights and Swordsmen are superfluous; you'll only need Golems and Archers to finish a map.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) (2/4) --Don't cluster melee units. I found chains of buildings separated by 2-3 spaces were much more effective at stopping the enemy than clusters, as each building would attack different enemies. If you need more stopping power, level up every second or third building. --If flyers are getting through your defenses, pay attention and learn their attack lanes. The next time you play the map, only build your archers along those lanes. It's a bit better now that archers prioritize flyers, but they still can't hit what they can't reach. --Get Parry 1 early to give your Swordsmen a little more longevity. Don't invest too heavily in them, though, as you won't be using them forever. --Get both of the Archer upgrades to level 1. Don't worry about level 2 until later in the game, if at all. --There are seven Coin-generating towns, but only six each for Iron and Crystal. Use one Mine on an Iron town and one on a Crystal to balance resource generation if you wish, but don't place more than that.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) (1/4) Here are some play tips, based on what has worked for me: --Build a couple of Towers early. The more Towers you have, the more likely you are to win the end-of-round fights and avoid resource loss. This will mean less farming of maps for extra resources; I only once saw the maximum reward go down in a town because of overfarming, and I didn't even need to farm that town afterward. --You will want to build the maximum 5 each of Strongholds and Barracks, but don't place more than 2-3 of each initially. You'll want some of the other buildings as well while you advance along the maps. --Don't spend resources on the Stables or on Knight upgrades. You won't be using Knights long. --Don't upgrade units in battle. It is FAR cheaper to just place another unit. Save upgrades for if you run out of space or need a little extra punch at a hot spot.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I like it! Everythings fine, it's fun to play; and I don't see any of the flaws neither. Soldiers only attacking the first unit is imho correct, so you have to strategically place your soldiers. Bowmen attacking the first monster in line, and switching to flying/weaker monster only after the hard one is down is another strategic element. Upgrading so you have additional 1 or 2 units in fact doubles the power of the tower. I really like this game, and the option to build stuff in occupied towns is adding more fun to an otherwise straight tower defence. 5/5 (no pain or hair-tearing at all)

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) For your response and updating the game I want to say thank you! I love it when developers interact with the community in a positive fashion.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I really liked the upgrades and strategy elements added to the tower defense core. The most irritating part for me was the potential loss of all of one resource between rounds, but adding Towers helps prevent that loss. Good art, and the music doesn't get irritating over time. All in all, I give it a solid 4/5. Some side quests for bonus resources or perhaps a branching story tree where you choose between the current story or seizing power for yourself, perhaps with different final missions, might have pushed it into the 4.5-5 range for me. All in all, I really enjoyed the game.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I saw the name, I thought we got to paly with demons but we didn't :/

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) hope could able to sell older construction,therefore could build a new one.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from menaragames

Thats not true at all. There are plenty events where the game autosaves. Check your browser settings.


Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) well, i won pineyard. with 2 health left, and its "easy"? if so i dont even want to see medium, let alone hard.

+ - !


Developer response from menaragames

It should be medium. Fixed.


Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) difficulty for Pineyard is waaaaay to hard for an apparently "easy" fight. there is no way my 5 level 3 archers are taking out 2 big waves of flyers, just not happening, no matter how much i re-do the fight.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) GAME DOES NOT SAVE. WOULD GIVE 1/5 AGAIN.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) the upgrade is crap it dont make units have bigger hp/attack/speed only number of theme but usually its better to just make another building istead of upgrading it imho u should add smth like after upgrade units gets more attack dmg/speed/health but still i luv the game :}

+ - !


Developer response from menaragames

Theres the training camp where you can PERMANENTLY buy upgrades for your units (HP, Attack rate, etc).


Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) you made the archers too strong against air = too easy and tor is stronger than the last boss........

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I dont get why people complain about difficulty. I skipped the tutorial ("meh, TD, what could go wrong?") and am now at Minarth without loosing or replaying a level even once. Great Game. Also, I like how the Soldiers operate. 5/5. Start Wave button would be nice though.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I love it, when games say a level is easy, but turn out to be almost impossible to beat. Makes me want to continue playing, really.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) great game, 5/5

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) fun game, but dun think i'll keep playing before x2,x4 bug is fixed

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) stop the ads poping up after the battle!

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I like to say: "That was a challenging round." I do not like to say: "There is no way, with the resources I have, that I can kill more than half these mobs." Guess which one I keep having to say anyway.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) should able to do the economic constructions in the town.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) 3. Strategic map nonsense ... i would say... wtf? Some kind of action points in strategical map forcing you to just mindlessly repeat levels as you cannot end turn with >0 AP. Per turn resources are pathetic so only income is again to repeat previous maps, making game awfuly boring , repeatative and frustrating. 4. Simplistic design. Why graphical design is kind of "cute". it is only positive thing on this TD. Played like 5 maps and unless u unlock next turret in training centre for alot of resources you are stuck with 2 turrets. Pardon me, but even "ugly" Tds have at least 3 starting turrets... I cannot say the game doesn't have potential, but at the moment it is in very poor simple state.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) To be not just negative here are examples of design flaws i have encountered and makes the game "painful" to play. One would think, after so many TD games and many popular ones, that authors will stick to good ideas... well, lets see: 1. Massive dumbness of your units, e.g. all archers target first TANK unit with massive armor and let all peasant demons rush behind it. ( Absolutly necesary in games like this to have : Target close/far, strong/weak, flying/ground only options on turrets) 2. Poor upgrade of towers. (Easest, lazy-like upgrades in style of, pay 10 gold and get slightly stronger attack of turret, pay another amouth of gold and get more dmg again...). only 3 upgrades of turrets doing nothing else than just more dmg (tank turret/soldiers just get more troops but they always terget only one enemy thus just dmg, nothing more). In modern TD one would expect more range, faster attack rate, some specials - upgrades.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Also, Can you please add a demolish building for when on the map? I hate missclicking barracks/etc instead of putting a mine on the towns that generate crystals/steel.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Classical example of eyecandy with low playability. Game looks good but when you play it you want to tear your hairs out. Most bad things were already mentioned, inability to farm or end turn unless one have 0 AP is horrible design decision. 2/5 (painful to play)

+ - !


Developer response from menaragames

Yep theres always risk in every design decision. Can't please everybody.


Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) should be able to upgrade the rage of the towers. also,should be able to manual send the first wave. should be able to be upgrade the towers in higher level.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I cant even beat lvl 3... Too many enemys, not enough time/resources to build more men...

+ - !


Developer response from menaragames

Please check this out <a href=>Dorwick Walkthrough</a>


Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Yes... thats what i miss another TD ? 5/3

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I beat it. You have to replay levels a few times to get enough resources, but you don't need to max everything. Building Strongholds is important for later levels, so get 5. Also, get at least the first tier of each golem skill - they are beasts that own the ground, especially after you reduce their price. I felt archers needed to be completely maxed. There are some insane flying waves. Game was alright... a little agitating for reasons others have mentioned. 3.5/5

+ - !


Developer response from menaragames

Did you manage to get a perfect score on all the maps? Btw, thanks for playing!


Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) needs achievements

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Seems like the designers need to play other TD games to see what makes them good. Like wave bars, sending waves early, tower prioritization choices, more specific enemy/friendly information, usable recharging "spells", deeper tower upgrade tree ect.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I might be doing something wrong, but it seems to be impossible to perfect some levels. Like on Pineyard I can only have a max of three soldiers by the time the first wave is out and there are 7 enemies, but if I build soldiers to stop them not only do some still get by but then the flying creatures that come next just go right by.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Great Game, nice idea ^^ But...i'm missing some sort of a time bar. There is this wave bar in the game allright but the waves spawn at a confusing timerate. Playing at normal speed and the waves seems to come every 20 seconds, but many waves come after 10 seconds, espacially the final wave. Haven't even defeated the enemies from the 2nd last wave (they haven't even reached the first crossing), and the Final wave just rushes through Oo' The "Towers" need some information added to them, like power and speed maybe.

+ - !



Sep. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Not sure why people are saying that the game is hard. It is reasonably easy. I didn't even realize that you could go back and refight battles to get more resources until 15 or so levels in. That makes this game ridiculously easy. Just move the speed up to x4 and play the first few levels 10 times or so and you can get tons of upgrades.

+ - !



Sep. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Come on guys give them some slack! its a great game, let them fix the bugs

+ - !



Sep. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) As RunHorst said, massive potential! You seem to be addressing the issues others have highlighted; good for you. A lot of developers seem to take no notice whatsoever of the comments. Correcting the grammar would be a good move. I'd be happy to help with that and no, I don't want any credit and yes, I am English. :)

+ - !


Developer response from menaragames

Yeah sure thing, help appreciated. Can you help spot the grammar mistakes and send it to ? Thanks a lot!


Sep. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Good game. The English (in the dialogues) isn't brilliant. I can assist if you like?

+ - !


Developer response from menaragames

Yeah sure thing, help appreciated. Can you help spot the grammar mistakes and send it to ? Thanks a lot!


Sep. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) It COULD be good but it seriously needs to be fixed up, far too difficult and you need to build a specific tower at a specific place at a specific time for you to really win, the focus targeting is also a real problem, maybe later on it would be useful but it's such a hinderance early on, increase the speed of the swordsmen at least a little so they can at least fight a runner when it's right in front of it because otherwise it's kind of ridiculous. Has potential but needs many many improvements.

+ - !



Sep. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Walkthrough for marshland (first map) :

+ - !



Sep. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I finished the game waaaay before even reaching half of my upgrades. I liked the way you earned money and the progression rate, I felt like really working for my upgrades and feeling the difference when I bought one. However, this ended up with me unlocking golems and knights and then everything was over all of a sudden and I still had like 10-12 upgrades left which would take forever to afford because of the game being too short or the resources being too harsh to aquire! Great game, I would've played for several more hours if I didn't finish it so soon! Make more ;)

+ - !



Sep. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The archers should also not concentrate their fire on the last unit. I have a bunch of archers that let the front units into the base because they were attacking the slower units that entered the battle first.

+ - !



Sep. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The game felt brutally/impossibly difficult on 4x speed; but when turned down to normal speed, all of a sudden the missions becomes super easy to complete with zero leaks. Seems like 4x speed is bugged, where your units does not actually attack 4x as fast.

+ - !



Sep. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Game has too many gameplay flaws to mention see others comments. as is 2/5 almost a 1/5 graphics save it, graphics engine needs serious work as it just about kills my computer. I personally think this could max as a 4/5

+ - !



Sep. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) i was triked by the picture

+ - !



Sep. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) For folks who are trying to use conventional TD strategies, this game's AI is very similar to the harder levels in the vector TD series - some strategic hints: 1) use swordsmen to stall at intersections and place archers to hammer those intersections, 2) with this setup, archers become very powerful - upgrade them first, 3) once you have your basic framework in place, upgrade archers to soldiers, back to front.

+ - !



Sep. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Not bad, could be improved. The amount of grinding it RIDICULOUS though and should be more generous.

+ - !



Sep. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Outhouses?

+ - !


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