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Jun. 24, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) I love this game...not sure what to think about the 1 life thing though...might be nice to earn another life? Anyway, the 'bombing' tile bonus thingy doesn't work for me. Anybody else have that problem?

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Took me a few days, but I finally beat this one with what I think is a pretty exceptional score... completed level 30 with 30,568 points. It said I could continue after level 31, but I completed level 31 and the end of level trigger didn't fire and the game got stuck. Doh! Finished with 3 jokers, 1 of each bomb, 2 Terra, 3 Yellow changers, and 13 draw tiles (26 draws total).

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Just get a blue tile and another blue tile(or any color) next to each other, or get 2 shapes next to each other...

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) I fail to understand what color harmony and symbol harmony is... Someone could explain me plz?

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) very nice programing, couldent do better myself

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) It would also be really great to add a puzzle mode with pre designed limiters, tiles, and powerups, or special requirements, like making certain patterns on each level to complete it.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Great game, but I really wish that you could get more than one life, or restart whatever the farthest section you got to (sea, sand, flame sorcerers)

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) What i found out in this game: - Luna/ Stella/ Terra/ Sol 8 pool - 30 pts - Green/ Red/ Blue/ Yellow 9 pool - 30 pts - Color triple harmony (3 of all colors) - 120 pts - Color Quadruple harmony (4 of all colors) - 900 pts + 9 tiles + joker (fit one tile anywhere) - Symbol triple harmony (3 of all symbols) 160 pts. - Stella 9 pool - 60 pts + 2 tiles + blue bomb (remove one limiter) - Terra 9 pool - 60 pts + 2 tiles + 1 joker - Luna 9 pool - 60 pts + 2 tiles + 1 switch (change sides from a tile) Could anyone add more of the bonuses so that they are known to us all (and help you specialise what bonuses to get and which not to aim for)

+ - !



Jun. 22, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Even without being that good at it (or not having enough luck), I'm still totally hooked. Only 2 problems I see: The one life part is kinda annoying, and also once you click a powerup (i.e. bomb) there's no way to put it back without using it. All in all, though, a great game, and I'd kill to have it on my iPod :D

+ - !



Jun. 22, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Beautiful graphics but three core issues: 1. Main one is simply too much luck when completing the last tile. Need more skill here. The game would be great if you could see all tiles ahead of time. 2. The powerups are too confusing. Kongregate and casual games are best when simple. Cater to the beginner, not the expert. 3. Needs a save. I read the author's concerns about saves and they sound convoluted. Bottom line is that it sucks to spend 10 minutes on a game and lose everything due to luck. Despite these, the game has a lot of promise and I do look forward to seeing it improved!

+ - !



Jun. 22, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Got me hooked the first time I played. Its the first game I play everytime I sit down at the comp.

+ - !



Jun. 22, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) This game is fun, but it is a bit frustrating as well. Getting patterns and bonuses is nice, but it doesn't give you any warning or hints as to what they are until you're practically mid-game. Also, when you get to four slices, there is almost no way to plan anymore. But otherwise, top marks!

+ - !



Jun. 22, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Would be nice to have a page (accessible through the menu or clickable object in game) with combos and rewards

+ - !



Jun. 22, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) There are some difficult moments, but once you understand the mechanics of the game it's enjoyable and the powerups increase your ability to get through. There is an undue amount of stress relating to luck, but skill comes into it too, so far as creating better outcomes for yourself, as in poker.

+ - !



Jun. 22, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) I know that i dont like this game because im not good at it. Its a great game and very addictive. 3/5

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) No matter how many different games I've tried, I keep returning every so often to this. It's addictive, and well worth all of the frustration it creates.

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Ring Pass Not is quite possibly the greatest puzzle game I've ever played. I totally agree with the developer 100%... any sort of save system would either destroy the game or be pointless, as the whole point of the game is to get full harmonies, quads, and large synergies early to have enough tools to attack the later levels. Awesome game!

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) People need to stop confusing 'difficulty' with 'dumb luck'... puzzle game based on dumb luck, no thanks.

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) youresosilent, I'm guessing you're talking about the blue bomb powerup? I had the same problem until I figured out there were 2 types of bombs. The blue ones destroy the limiters in the middle and the red ones destroy tiles in the ring. Oh and great game. =)

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Amazing game! Saving would be really nice, don't see why it would be a problem -- just save my current level as well as the current power-ups I have, then it'd no more easier or harder than if I was playing straight through. No need for save codes, just the usual Flash save files. Very fun though!

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) There is something to be said for trying to attain a new level over trying to achieve a high score. Scores are an abstraction of a person's performance and won't generally mean anything "mid-game" until that person has built up a lot of famiarity with the game. In other words, only a person who has played a particular game a LOT will know -based on score alone- how well they're doing. For everyone else the main measure of performance feedback is how deeply the game is explored. When one must start from the beginning, it decimates that investment.

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Losing one level in a puzzle game and having to start all over sucks, but other than that this would be an awesome game.

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) are there more than 31 levels? because i finished the ring at 31 and nothing happened and a few times it did not record my score. other than that its a very nice thought out game, big ups sandhills.thx for a nice game.

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) What's with the bomb powerup? This is definitely a great game, but that's a huge flaw. Once I click it I'm stuck with it until it magically decides to work. It just doesn't work.

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Please, please, please give us colour blind guys either an option to change that blue and green shading or change one or the other colours. The challenge of the game for me is guessing whether or not I'm putting in a green or blue piece. When I'm wrong it is an early game over. Sooooo frustrating. I think I would love this game with that simple change.

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Thanks everyone, for all your comments! It helps us a lot. Saving the game is a bit of a problem that we keep asking ourselves about. The first levels are not something that experienced players should skip. These are the levels that allow you to collect as many bonus tools as you can for later use, when the rings become harder. So starting at level 21 with no bonus tools at all is quite useless even for excellent players. The Fire Sorcerers Rings will be impossible to complete witout many bonus tools. on the other hand, letting a player save a game will result in a very short experience where the best collection of tools is saved in each level. Not much of a challenge there... So instead of using saves or codes we designed RPN so that the first levels become a different challenge - one of creating as many special sets as you can. Still, we are testing this solution, and will love to hear any other idea or comment you have for us.

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) I can't beat it ><

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) SirMustapha, what I conclude from the things you said, tou don't know how to play or you are simply commenting without having played the game a little... I personaly like this game one of the most (despite of the saving points) and I think how to play is perfectly explained.

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) I LOVE this game, been playing so much this last week. Changes that I suggest: Save game - Perhaps make it like Who wants to be a millionaire, such that there is a checkpoint when you reach a new ring (I,II,III). Bonuses/Combinations - in the menu, add a section that explains all the combinations/specials. Also, with the current design of the game (especially at later levels), sometimes whether or not you can beat a level is totally based on the luck of the draw. Maybe there could be a "next tile" sort of thing (like tetris) that can reduce chance by incorporating strategy. There were countless times that I dealt a new set of cards, only to find out that one of the new tiles was useless without one from the hand before (it would have been a risk to place the tile from before).

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Don't know what goes through the mind of anyone who things it's fun going really far in the game, then losing one level and having to do it all over again, from scratch. Especially in a puzzle game. Anyway, maybe it's just me, but the workings of the bonuses isn't explained well (as in "connect any blue with any green. I do just that and get no bonus), and the limiters just make the levels very dumb - you have to wait for the correct tiles to appear, counting with the possibility they might never appear at all (the tiles are selected randomly). Why not make the ring larger, or adding more clever limitations? Why not the possibility of discarding a tile, with a penalty? Why is it that the game supposes that I'm perfectly finished, even when the ring is completed but not correctly? I put a piece in there, with the yellow bonus at hand, and just as I was about to use the bonus to make the ring close, the game decided I had lost. Makes no sense at all. Looks like a very contrived game.

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Any possibility of a small counter in the corner showing how many R/B/G/Y and shape tiles you've used so far? Would make getting Perfect Harmony a bit easier :)

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Awesome game. I shared with a lot of other ppl. The ONLY thing missing as others have said is a save game feature. If not for that, 5 stars easy.

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) As they have said, save feature needs to be added. The game also gets pretty boring quite soon, since the board never changes. Maybe consider changing the shape of the board, or the size. Possibly you have intersections instead of limiters to further complicate things. 4 stars.

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) great game just needs to be able to save

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) agree with the save thing, there already is a high scores thing, you have to get a high score to see it. Good game overall, was very challenging, a puzzle within a puzzle

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) I liked the game overall, but a game over in a puzzle game is tough :( I agree with the save feature

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) I like this game, but some things. I had to desactivate the music and sounds, so that the game works.. And the bomb doesn't work for me! Congrats for this game :)

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) yeah like dragon rings ... or something like that

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) A save option, please!! :P

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) one more thing, you might want to come up with a better name than "ring pass not"

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Love the game, it's a great puzzle! Challenging, but not impossible or too frustrating. it did lock up for me at the end of level 31 though. If you put in a save point, it should just be at the transition levels so it doesn't diminish the challenge.

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) its a solid 4

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) this game sucks

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Is the high scores function working fine?? Cos im a real bad player and I hold the top scores in the it becos its new??

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) My biggest request would be having checkpoints or something...I hated getting so far only to have to start over when it was difficult/impossible to win. Maybe having a checkpoint every 5 or 10 levels? Otherwise, I love this game!

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Very very interesting. I liked it!

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) I got to level 7 and quit, it is really fun at the start but it gets boring really quickly. It would be better if you could save and then go back later and start again.

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) Love love love this game! Very interesting and fun, if only there were a tiny bit more strategy and a liiiiiittle less luck it would be perfect.

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) gotta agree, an option to start over at the current level (minor maybe a points penalty) would help, since sometimes its just plain impossible to win. Two consecutive conditions restrict a tile to a very limited few, and sometimes you never get that one in the entire round

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2007

Under rating threshold (show) I love this game, it's so addictive

+ - !


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