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Learn to create your first game

Making games is easy! Well, okay, maybe it's actually kind of hard, but starting out is easy at least! Especially when you have Kongregate's shootorials (shooting tutorials) to guide you through the process.

Check out the link below to play through the game you can learn to build yourself.

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Ready to remix 'Shoot!' and make it your own? Download the source code, then watch the tutorials below to get started.

Shootorial 0: Flash!

This beginner flash game programming tutorial covers the basics of downloading the free trial version of Adobe Flash CS3, as well as covering some of the fundamentals of using Flash as a game making tool. View Tutorial »

Shootorial 1: Ship Movement Via Keyboard Input

This is the foundation of any game. The player needs to be able to control a game object through user input, usually either via mouse or keyboard. Shootorial's user controlled game object (or sprite) is a futuristic hand drawn space ship. View Tutorial »

Shootorial 2: Scrolling Background

Every game hero needs a world to defend or conquer. The Shootorial game world is represented by a hand drawn fantasy world background that slowly scrolls by, creating the illusion of moving through a virtual space over time. View Tutorial »

Shootorial 3: Missiles

The hero needs to fire missiles in order to stop the invading minions. This tutorial explains how to fire missile objects based on keyboard input. These missiles will originate from the hero ship and move across the screen. View Tutorial »

Shootorial 4: Enemy Ships

The hero ship needs adversity. In this tutorial we will build a basic enemy ship that will attack the hero in waves. View Tutorial »

Shootorial 5: Collision Detection

This tutorial covers how to detect a collision between the hero ship and enemy ships. It also covers how to detect collisions between hero missiles and enemy ships, as well as collisions between enemy missiles and the hero ship. View Tutorial »

Shootorial 6: Adding Score, Health Meter and Game Over & Reset Logic

Once the collision detection is in place, we can start recording hits, misses, points earned and damage taken. This tutorial also covers game over menu and game reset logic. View Tutorial »

Shootorial 7: Adding Power Ups, Mini Bosses and Bosses

This beginner level Flash game programming tutorial covers power ups, mini bosses, and boss battles. View Tutorial »

Shootorial 8: Adding Enhancements, Audio and The Kong API

This beginner level Flash game making tutorial covers adding sounds, implementing the Kong Stats and High Score API, and hints on adding game play enhancements. The fully commented source code for the final game is included in this Shootorial. View Tutorial »

Shoot! was made with Adobe Flash software. Download a free trial now. For advanced users who would prefer to use free command line tools, check out these instructions. Already know ActionScript 2? Want to learn to port a game to AS3? Here's the source code for an AS3 version of Shoot with many extras...

The mobile version of Shoot! (AS3) is now available. If you are interested in optimizing some of your creations for the mobile experience, you can download the source code and check it out!

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