Dec. 01, 2008 Scion Shootorial Contest Winners AnnouncedWe're excited to announce the winners of the Scion Shootorial! contest.
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1st Place and $250 to jimmy_raynor for River Raid 2nd Place and $150 to dahnraelz for Elastic 3rd Place and $150 to leandropug for G-Virus We were also extremely impressed by astro75's Gravity Master but regretfully disqualified it from the contest rankings because not enough of the game was based on the Shootorials. However, Gravity Master will be featured along with the three winners on the homepage during the next week for a points challenge. A fifth game -- Greg's Pick -- will also be featured (once Greg has picked it that is!) Congratulations to the winners and all the entrants -- we were blown away with the quality of your submissions, and are excited to see the games you make in the future. This ad supports the people who make the games. Kongregate shares ad revenue with developers. |