Aug. 20, 2009 Summer Gaming Competition at The EscapistOur friends over at The Escapist have gone ahead and pulled together an event that has something for every gamer and has asked Kongregate to come along for the ride and host one of their events, the “Flash Game Playoffs”! They are also extending an invitation to all Kongregate members to participate and join in on the fun. It’s free to join, so click here and have a blast.
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The Summer E Games is a gamer-centric community event for The Escapist community that was designed to test creativity, knowledge and gaming reflexes in 15 events spanning from August 17th to August 28th. There is an event for every type of gamer, so enjoy yourself and enter as many events as you would like. The more you enter, the better chance of winning a gold, silver or bronze Summer E Games medal for your Escapist profile! This ad supports the people who make the games. Kongregate shares ad revenue with developers. |