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Comments for Clout: The Game

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Dec. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I don't normally comment but seeing as how you can take the time to read and respond to everyone who comments I can take the time to comment. first when it comes to pay to win, I think everyone is overlooking the fact that as an individual you cant pay to win. As I understand it the only way to win is by passing a bill that causes your party to win. second if you want to put graphics in you could include them even though you cant draw, due to how unique your game is and how much effort you put into improving it and how you respond to your players, if you asked someone or more likely a whole lot of people would help in designing graphics

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

You are correct that there's really no way for someone to individually win, and it's pretty rare that it's ever even possible to win individually on a bill due to the multiplayer nature of the game. It's unlikely that I'll include graphics in THIS game, but the general success of this game on Kongregate and the Kongregate advertising offer related to kred-enabled game has renewed my interest in creating the "companion games" to Clout. They're called The Lobby and Campaign Trail, and will directly interact with the game world of Clout while actually being completely separate games.


Dec. 23, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) How often are "elections" held?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Once a month (real-time month). I plan to add a timer to the Subterfuge main info page, but haven't gotten around to it yet.


Dec. 23, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) You could include information about +0, +1, +2, +3 marks in the help page or in the bills page, or in both pages. It took me quite a while to figure out it's abilities effectivness multiplayer based on players clout tier. Thou I didn't figured out yet how exactly it works. I'm under impression that most of the newbies have simillar problems with understanding those marks.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the feedback! It does mention this when you first create your character, but it should probably be stated in the help. It's not really important for newbies to know as you can go up in tier without suffering any penalties. Penalties only occur once you reach CT2 or higher. If you're higher than CT1 and play on a CT1 player's bill, you will suffer a penalty (50% if you're 3+). If you're CT4 and act on a CT2 player's bill, you operate at 80% strength. All of the autobalance percentages are carefully designed to balance higher and lower tier players in a fair fashion to discourage griefing and ganking, but still allow multiplayer interaction.


Dec. 23, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) You are awesome for actually reacting to us...

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for saying so! I'm not sure why other developers wouldn't... I certainly don't think I know what everyone wants off the top of my head, and player feedback just helps me make the game better.


Dec. 23, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) can you do a guide for what each party is for and against?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

You should support anything you can introduce. If you stick to that, you won't ever get unhappy constituents. I can't really list out every last one because it would be a huge mess. Each bill is individually-designed. Aside from that, your best guide is google. I tend to establish the party's positions on each bill based on the actual positions of that party in real life (with some satirical fudging towards kill all humans and soviet russia for green/socialist respectively). As a final note: it's not expected that you always play on party lines. You can very easily maintain your office while occasionally supporting things not within your party for reasons of personal preference or the current state of the nation. This is an intended feature of the game.


Dec. 23, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) There should really be a penalty for running your character to exhaustion. My guy literally ends up faceplanting at *least* daily.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the feedback! Though, it does have a minor penalty. You can't use half the headers, some of which allow you to do stuff that doesn't cost energy. Other than that, I don't really want to add more of a penalty as I think it'd piss people off. Even having everything but help locked out pissed a lot of people off.


Dec. 22, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Loved it. I thought it would be one of THOSE know what kind of shitty game i'm talking about. But it is in fact an interactive world where we can make political decisions and compete. And that rocks. Good job. Never wished for a game like this, but a love for this type of game is sparking in me now for some reason.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the glowing feedback and support!


Dec. 22, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) well spent all my money on coke

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Rick James? Is that you?


Dec. 21, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) this game caused me to look up godwin's law. So true if you actually think about it.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Clout: the only game where you can do meth AND learn things about debate and politics!


Dec. 21, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I got negative stress. Is this a bug?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Nope. New feature. Helps out casual players, and also makes drugs make more sense for newbies. Sometimes people would come in, buy a stress reducing item, lose energy and not really get the point/think there was a bug. Now your stress can go negative so it's more obvious what happened.


Dec. 21, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) You have the feeling that you're being watched. This game is making me paranoid.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

It's always your allies investigating you. They just can't handle your success and are trying to tear you down. The voices under the podium told me so.


Dec. 21, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Its a great game For things like stress release (always remember, your enemy irl will probably be the drug dealing greeny who has no money on this) :D

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the feedback and support!


Dec. 20, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) You know what really should be changed: You pass out if your Energy count is 0 You have excactly 100 points Actions cost 5 points What happens is I do all of my actions and have to wait an entire minute for that one point to charge up,so I can do another single action... Could you maybe like tweak it so,that you faint at a number s really unnerving to see those 5 points sitting around doing nothing :|

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the feedback! Passing out has no actual penalty. If you just want to play all your energy for the day quickly, don't worry about it going negative. The whole point of negative energy is to allow more casual players to play "to the future" in a way by frontloading effects so they don't have to be repeatedly playing to get the maximal effect from stuff.


Dec. 20, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) You should add a presidential election where the candidate is nominated by his party, and if he wins he gets an extra set of abilities to use on bills.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the feedback! The speaker of the house elections will work somewhat like this. I also plan to have a president at some point, but it will be an NPC and have veto powers.


Dec. 20, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) what does take a vacation do. it cost 30 energy but barely lowered stress.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

It also costs nothing in terms of cash. It's only useful if you have no cash and a high stress level. I added it for newer players who run out of cash and end up with a super high stress level, which essentially prevents them from playing for a day or two if they want to do something useful. This new option lets them recover from that in a less crappy way.


Dec. 20, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Could use a bit of advertising and teamplay encouragement, I dunno maybe rebuild cronies section so it would show you all active players, and you could choose from list ones that you already met/cooperated with in game. Cause social aspect of this game is it's greatest advantage, and it is trully masterworked. Also seein' that developer is really there commited into ongoing improvement of the game is really something to be seen, it's trully commendable. Keep up the great work.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the feedback and support! I'll look into adding a way to friend someone in-game so they show up as an associate. I was just considering allowing sending kong friend requests in-game, but then realized that it wouldn't really cover facebook->kong interactions. Can't really give an ETA right now on that feature, though.


Dec. 20, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Wow. I want to be the ultimate green politician, literally killing of humanity to let animals live. And you give me a goal. Saving up to legalize homicide. I love this. I swear, for animals in uh, wherever we are, I will help us help ourselves... in the end or something

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Glad I could give your politician a righteous purpose!


Dec. 20, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Doing cocaine off a hooker's dead body. Future President 2025

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Just another average day in the world of Clout.


Dec. 20, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I'd really like it if I could see the stats on items in the store so I could make intelligent decisions about what to buy.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the feedback! I get the occasional request for this, but the opacity of item stats is by design to encourage people to dress in actual outfits instead of a powergamed mishmash of unrelated items. All items that cost any real amount of money are viable and comparable to other items at a similar cost in total stat boosts. Therefore, it is effectively impossible to make an unintelligent decision when purchasing items. Also note that while not explicit, there are consistent themes as to what kind of items boost what stats.


Dec. 19, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) this is an extremely realistic game- reminds me of some of the better textbased games from the 80's. 5/5!

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the feedback and support!


Dec. 19, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) You title font hurt my eyes. For god's sake kern!

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Title font? Are you using IE? It displays the fonts with bizarre amounts of AA, and it also does other non-standard display things that make the game look a bit odd. IE is non-standards-compliant, so there's not a whole lot I can do about this.


Dec. 19, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) woah penalized for acting outside for party lines? lol ok. Don't know who would be for abolishing minimum wage anyway

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Maximum Wage, not minimum. It was established in-game a while back by the socialist party. And yes, you will lose constituent support for acting outside of party lines. For doing it occasionally, the loss is meaningless... but it effectively makes it so that it's in your best interest to usually debate in alignment with your party.


Dec. 19, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) oh man my stress is getting really high

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I hear all the cool congresspersons are doing heroin. But all my friends tell me to resist peer pressure.


Dec. 19, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I really wanted to play the worst politician ever, so I find it a little annoying that I can't just pick every single negative trait. Is there a reason for that?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

haha... The game would be near impossible if you picked that many negative traits. Your stats would be super low to start and you'd have a hard time doing anything or gaining any clout. I tried to make it so all character creation options give you a viable character. Please don't let that stop you from playing the worst politician ever, though! Remember: stats aren't everything :P


Dec. 19, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) spammah

+ - !



Dec. 19, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Heck yeah,double Megaphones!!! How is that even a thing?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

lol... well, if you hold them both in front of your face at the same time I think it'd work...? Can't say I've ever tried :P


Dec. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Neat concept! Enjoying the game.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the feedback and support!


Dec. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Dec. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Dec. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Dec. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Um... dude, I have proof that you and benodoc are the same person in my DB. I sent that info with your IP address to Kongregate support. I'm pretty sure they'll be banning all your accounts for breaking the TOS. I'd appreciate it if you stopped trying to disrupt my game out of jealousy of its success and the mountains of positive comments that people leave :)


Dec. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) That's mean, I used all the accounts to 5/5 your game (Thus raising it from 1.8 to 3.2) and downvote all the haters calling it pay to win. Jerk!

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Actually you're using multiple accounts to downrate all helpful comments and downrate the game, which is pretty obvious as the game's rating goes up quite steadily until you trolls come back around. I've reported you to Kongregate support for this with IP information and screenshots of your admission of guilt. Thanks!


Dec. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Why are you guys calling this game Pay to win? I just made 30 accounts and now I dominate all those tools who poured a hundred dollars into the game. Lol

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Well, it's actually impossible to spend $100 on the game... and you definitely didn't make 30 accounts. You made 2, and I just banned them both, as multiboxing is against the rules. Enjoy! :)


Dec. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

um... sorry to hear that, but it does state right in the description that it's a text-based game...


Dec. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) So far, seems like an intriguing game. It's nice to not have to grind incessantly to make progress. Only thing I've noticed so far for features is that it'd be nice to have a "back" button in certain areas. For example, when in the debate screen of a bill, if you go to analyze a different player's stats, there is no quick way to close the screen and get back to the bill. You have to go back to the bills list and find the correct bill again. Repeat multiple times if you want to look at multiple player's stats.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the feedback and support! Hitting back in your browser should send you back a page in the game. I've made sure that the game is capable of handling this properly. Some browsers won't really do this by default with how the game is framed within Kongregate, but you should be able to right click on the game and find some sort of "this frame->back" option. Let me know if you have any problems with this feature!


Dec. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Okay I really get only two times to use a computer and those times I have work to do. I think if you could you should try to make a mobile for the kongregate arcade. I think I'm not alone in having more opportunities to play it on my droid than on my PC. Just sayin'.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the feedback! Looks like i'll have to step up the timetable for the mobile version. I'm getting a ton of requests for it lately. Also, it's kind of a roundabout and crappy solution, but if you go to the kong main site on mobile and scroll all the way to the bottom you can get the normal Kong site and play the game via your phone. Of course the interface isn't exactly optimized for that screen size, so it's not the easiest way to play. As I said, mobile version in the works. Sorry for the delay.


Dec. 17, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) you may want to add some basic animation like a senate room and an avater dressed with your clothes. just my 2 cents. great game.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the feedback and support! But I can't draw. That's why the game is text-based. Sorry.


Dec. 17, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) what color is conservitave?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Purpleish. I had to use that because both Socailists and Conservatives are "red".


Dec. 17, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Oh, the country is pretty solidly in debt. I changed the number to just be red and not negative since some people were saying that it being negative was a double negative and confusing. However, about 10x as many people seem confused by the change... so I'm changing it back.


Dec. 17, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) how can we delete out progress and start over?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Ask to be reset in Cronies & Associates->General Chat. Allowing characters the ability to delete themselves could open the door for a lot of exploits, and this is an infrequent request. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Dec. 17, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Wow,things are looking good in virtual America... People are growing limbs if they go to a Hospital, 95,5% of them are not pissed and everything is growing...EVERYTHING!!! Let's f*ck it up,shall we?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Haha... on top of that, people have been pointing out that the in-game debt is significantly better than the real-world debt. I originally pulled all nation stats from the CIA world factbook a couple years back... so we're obviously nowhere near corrupt enough yet!


Dec. 16, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) "This game is not Pay-To-Win. It's more like Pay-If-You're-Impatient-Or-****-Up-And-Need-To-Fix-It-Before-You-Get-Unelected." Best. Quote. Ever.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the feedback and support!


Dec. 16, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Cool game, but it would be great if negative energy would regenerate bit faster as it's boring to wait (I think) 5 minutes for 1 energy to regenerate until I can play again. Other than that, good concept and well made ;)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the feedback and support! You definitely aren't the only one that thinks so, and I previously increased the energy regen rate by 20% based on player feedback like yours on Kongregate. However, it would significantly alter the game if I sped it up even more. If you want to read the long-winded explanation as to why, check the FAQ in-game (under Help). Ideally you just only pass out once when you're a newbie, and that's designed to hopefully get people to read the help files as the game is pretty complex and you'll be at a disadvantage if you don't :)


Dec. 16, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I believe that ever person who pays this game has used the sleep with a intern action at least once.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I think you're probably right, so long as it's available. You have to pick a certain background trait to make it show up.


Dec. 15, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) you passed out. Or fainted. Pansy. Really, I can't tell if you ended up this way from drugs, an overzealous day on the floor, or the sight of a particularly large spider... but it doesn't matter much; You'll just need some time to sleep it off. It was t-t-t-the sp-p-p-ider.......

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

All the meth head congresspersons say there's purple spiders under the podium on the floor.


Dec. 14, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) how do you kill stress levels?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Stress reduces at the end of the day by 25%-1% for every active bill you have going at the time (to discourage spamming bills). You can also use various drugs to reduce it at the cost of energy.


Dec. 14, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Come on people. Debate the same bills as me. I passed out three times on the congress floor already! Hnnnnng!

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Aren't you glad they keep a special room in the back for all the people who pass out?


Dec. 14, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Why are there people opposing the Idea of paying down the National debt? Like,what harm could that do?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

In order to pay down the national debt, the government has to free up actual money. This means cutting spending. In game terms, this means the bill slightly reduces all other positive aspects of the nation (GDP Growth, Public Health, etc) in order to also reduce the debt by a sizable amount. Why these people might be opposing your bill in particular I'm not sure, but the GDP growth and population growth rates are currently pretty low, so that may have something to do with it. Some players also revel in being corrupt and trying to "break" the nation.


Dec. 13, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) This game seems interesting, but I made a few mistakes early on, in not trying to pass my own bills. But I'll wait it out and hopefully get some more clout soon. I do have one question: If I debate against a bill that is not from my party, will my CSP go down necessarily?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the feedback! Debating against bills that are not aligned with your party is an intended feature of the game and will not cause CSP loss. You can gain clout from both supporting allied bills and opposing enemy bills (as long as the bill passes/fails, respectively). Keep in mind that anything you can introduce you should support, not just bills from your own party.


Dec. 13, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Is there anyway you can give us a rundown of how items we buy will effect us? I have, on 3 occasions now, knocked myself out experimenting with the different items of the stores. Also is there anyplace that give a detailed explaination on attributes and the use of abilities? I have been enjoying the game from early on, but I think expanding the help section or making it a little more explained could help a lot. I thought it was intentional at first, but we don't get paid frequently enough and energy regenerates too slowly to be able to really explore and experiment with these sorts of things.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

You're right that I need to add a detailed explanation for each stat in the help. I keep forgetting that one. I figured the drugs would be intuitive based on their real-life counterpart. You can wikipedia anything on that list and read more about it. Stimulants give energy, depressants take it. Depressants also remove stress, and stimulants usually cause some. Most abilities can't be explained concisely as you're just supposed to use them when they make sense for your position on a bill. If I were to simply list out what ability was good against what bill, not only would it be a massive mess of text that would be hard to glean anything useful from, but I think it would trivialize the game as each bill tends to have a couple obvious strong abilities and a couple less obvious ones that require knowing something about history/politics/etc.

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