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Comments for The Codex of Alchemical Engineering

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Apr. 10, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) I made an infinite iron maker in level 7. Code:p,10,10;b,7,7;m,13,10,90,2,cdrolu;m,10,13,180,2,wcrolw;m,7,10,270,1,uorcdl;m,10,7,180,1,ucdo;

+ - !



Feb. 28, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) What does level 15 stand for? I'm so confused... This makes zero sense as an Alchemist.

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Feb. 14, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) I DID IT. I FINALLY DID IT. I've come back to this game multiple times over the years and today I finally completed the final level!!!!

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) I'm feelin proud of my Aqua fortis. c,11,13;t,9,11;t,9,9;c,1,11;b,3,9;m,3,2,0,2,c11o;m,4,13,0,2,ljlcruodwwwwwww;m,1,9,0,2,wwrjucddloucdoruw;m,6,9,0,2,wwwjwwwwwcdllorru;m,4,6,0,2,wwwjrcrruodrwwww;m,9,13,0,2,ujcddluuorwwwww;

+ - !



Dec. 31, 2015

Under rating threshold (show)

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Dec. 31, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Cannot read the text or see the images very clearly. I'm sure it is a good game otherwise

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Dec. 29, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Wow I can't believe I first played this game 4 years ago and got a top comment.. Obviously this is still one of my favorite games ever on Kong since I remember and revisit it 4 years after playing.

+ - !



Dec. 23, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) If only nanotech were this easy. What ARE those manipulators made of?

+ - !



Dec. 22, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Great game. Bugs me ever so slightly that you didn't use quicksilver as a planetary metal, but it's a trivial complaint. 5/5

+ - !



Dec. 17, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) this game is really fun if you like science and a little elments of magic basically science wizard

+ - !



Dec. 17, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Very nice game. Not VERY hard, but definitely hard enough to be interesting. I'd like a narrative after finishing the last level, though. What did I make? What happened?

+ - !



Nov. 19, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) My Code for the secret last level (196Sym/115Cyc) for those in trouble. Enjoy! p,9,11;p,3,11;t,1,9;b,6,9;b,1,5;b,6,7;b,12,7;t,13,11;m,3,13,0,3,cddloruuw;m,7,11,180,1,cuodwwwww;m,1,7,90,1,wwwcrroll;m,1,11,270,1,llwwwcrro;m,4,13,180,2,cdlllwolu;m,9,13,270,1,wlcrowwwwwwwwwwwww;m,5,13,270,2,ulcrddowu;m,9,9,180,1,olwwwwwwwwwwwwwwcr;m,3,8,0,2,rwcllowrw;m,6,5,90,2,orwwwcud11lorwcudl;m,7,5,90,3,cdd11wwwwwwwloruuw;m,10,13,0,2,cdloru;m,9,7,270,2,u11oddwwwwwwwc1rul;m,12,2,180,1,wwwcuuoddwwwwwwwww;m,14,2,90,2,j;m,13,9,90,3,lrllorruuwwwwwwcdd;

+ - !



Nov. 09, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Here's my Litharge b,4,10;b,5,8;m,1,10,90,2,clworw;m,7,10,90,2,cdrolu;m,10,8,90,2,cruold;m,10,13,0,2,cdloru;m,5,6,90,3,cddouu;m,6,5,90,2,cllorr;

+ - !



Nov. 09, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I love it. Just done my Litharge in 36/40

+ - !



Sep. 09, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Elixir of life 78/72. with a funny "dispose all" on the side to turn a 6-cycle into a meta 12-cycle. b,10,11;b,3,11;b,6,10;b,7,8;c,3,5;c,3,3;b,12,8;m,0,11,0,2,uodc;m,6,14,270,2,wc1o;m,8,14,270,2,wc2o;m,8,13,270,2,uodc;m,8,5,90,1,ucdo;m,11,13,270,1,rclo;m,14,11,180,2,uodc;m,6,13,270,2,uodc;m,6,5,90,1,ucdo;m,3,8,0,2,lorc;m,4,1,0,3,rclo;m,3,13,270,1,lcro;m,13,5,270,3,cdloru;m,10,7,270,1,rolc;m,10,8,0,1,uodc;m,12,5,90,2,dcuo;m,7,5,90,2,uodlcr;m,7,12,270,1,ucdoww;

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Sep. 05, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) whew! Gold in 58/70: p,6,7;p,10,11;m,10,13,180,2,cdroluwwwwww;m,11,13,0,1,clor;m,10,7,0,3,llolwwwwwwcl;m,3,13,180,1,wwwwcrolcrol;m,6,5,90,1,crrorr;m,3,7,90,3,wwclorclorww;

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Sep. 04, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Azwerg, 13 cycles is the minimum.

+ - !



Sep. 04, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Aqua Fortis: c,7,7;c,11,13;t,11,11;t,13,11;b,12,5;b,7,9;m,2,10,0,1,wjcuodwwww;m,4,7,90,2,wwwwwjcrrrorww;m,5,7,90,2,wwwwwjcrrrorww;m,8,11,270,3,wwwwwwwwwjcddouuww;m,7,11,270,3,wwwwwwwwwjcddouuww;m,12,9,180,3,wwwwwwwwwjwwwc2rol;m,13,8,90,2,wwwwwwwwjcrrollww;m,9,11,0,1,wwwwwjcuuoddww;m,11,9,90,3,wwjcddouuww;m,13,1,90,3,cr2olwww;m,9,13,0,3,cddouuww;m,1,10,90,2,clor;

+ - !



Sep. 04, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I'm so proud; Oil of Vitriol: c,9,13;t,7,13;t,7,11;b,3,8;m,5,13,0,3,wwjcddouu;m,7,9,90,3,wwwwwjcddouu;m,4,11,0,2,wwwwwwwwjclorww;m,3,5,180,1,wwwwwwwwjcluodr;m,1,9,90,3,wwwwwjcllorr;m,11,13,0,1,clloll;m,7,8,180,2,wwwwwwwwwwjwcr2ol;

+ - !



Sep. 03, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Level 5 in 17 moves?!?! The best i can get is about 60!

+ - !



Aug. 30, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Black Powder: c,3,11;t,1,9;t,3,7;b,9,9;m,9,13,180,1,jcruuoddl;m,12,4,90,1,cllorrwwwwwwwwww;m,10,2,0,1,wwwwclluodrrwwww;m,13,9,90,3,wjcdrww1www1ww1olu;m,10,6,0,1,rucldowwwwwwwwww;m,7,9,180,1,wwwjwwcrroll;m,3,9,90,1,wjcrrrorww;m,1,11,90,1,clorwwww;

+ - !



Aug. 29, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Just found this, played first level, 5/5 and favorited. Please add badges, make sequel, etc. I will now spend three weeks slowly chugging through these puzzles.

+ - !



Aug. 15, 2015

Under rating threshold (show)

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Aug. 15, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I can't imagine, how to make level 1 with less than 13 cycles. I'm taking and giving each cycle I'm supposed to and it's still 13.

+ - !



Aug. 12, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) VII. Haematite: (70 symbols, 71 cycles) b,5,6;p,9,10;b,8,6;m,1,9,90,3,crrdoullwwww;m,3,6,0,1,wwllcrrowwww;m,2,4,0,2,cuod;m,6,8,270,3,wddcuuowwwww;m,13,10,90,2,crolww;m,7,10,90,2,cdloru;m,9,8,270,1,orrcll;m,11,6,180,1,cuuoddwcuodw; Feel free to correct

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Aug. 12, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) VI. Aqua Fortis: (89 symbols, 78 cycles) t,5,13;t,7,11;b,12,6;c,3,11;c,10,9;b,7,6;m,7,9,270,1,uodllcrrwwww;m,5,11,0,1,wrwclowwwwww;m,3,13,180,1,crrorrwwwwww;m,13,10,270,3,drrclluowwww;m,10,13,0,2,cluordwwwwww;m,5,6,270,2,2orwwwwwclww;m,10,6,180,1,olucdloucdll;m,1,3,0,2,cuodw; Feel free to correct

+ - !



Jul. 30, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) @Muskar thx for showing me but i had no skill at the game when i made that

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Jun. 30, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Is it possible to get lower than 13 on level 1, and 17 on level 2 and 3?

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Jun. 30, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) m,7,8,90,3,ocl;

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Jun. 30, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) @playr10 or this: m,4,12,0,2,clor;m,4,5,90,3,wjclor;m,7,8,90,3,wjclor;m,11,4,90,3,wwwjcrol;

+ - !



Jun. 17, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Hi, can anyone please tell me why they wont accept my atoms in the brimstone level? c,1,11;t,3,9;t,1,7;b,5,7;t,11,9;c,13,11;b,11,2;t,9,7;m,1,13,0,1,clor;m,3,11,270,1,olcr;m,1,9,0,1,clor;m,3,7,270,1,olcr;m,9,14,270,3,odcu;m,9,12,270,1,cuod;m,5,9,0,2,oucd;m,6,9,0,1,clor;m,9,13,0,1,clor;m,5,5,180,1,clor;m,6,5,0,1,orcl;m,11,5,180,2,crol;m,13,13,270,1,olcr;m,11,11,0,1,clor;m,11,7,180,1,olcr;m,12,7,180,2,crol;m,12,6,270,2,odcu;m,11,4,270,2,odcu;m,14,1,180,2,cuod;m,10,4,270,3,odcu;m,12,0,90,2,cdou;m,13,0,180,2,cuod;m,11,0,180,2,owc2;m,4,0,0,3,cdou;m,3,0,0,3,owc2;m,2,0,0,3,cdou;m,4,4,270,2,oucd;m,2,1,0,1,cuod;m,7,5,270,2,oucd;m,3,2,0,2,cuod;

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Jun. 12, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) "A well oiled machine" is probably the best way to describe how this game plays. That is, by all means, what you are building in each stage.

+ - !



Jun. 10, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) really simple 1st puzzle solution m,7,8,90,3,crrollcrroll;

+ - !



May. 29, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Fun IV Lithrage solution. Lots of components. All with purpose, but lacking reason. b,4,11;b,8,8;m,0,11,0,3,odcu;m,13,9,90,3,wwwjwwwwcdou;m,5,9,90,1,clor;m,13,8,180,3,olcr;m,7,6,90,2,owc1;m,7,5,90,3,cdou;m,1,11,90,1,wwwwclor;m,7,11,90,1,wwwwcrol;m,11,8,180,2,ouwwwwcd;m,8,5,90,2,crrorrww;

+ - !



May. 29, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Regarding my previous comment, I improvised and made a temporary fix a bit later after writing that.Now I am using task manager as a bookmark(since very fiew windows are capable of overlaping it).Thought it would be useful for people with the same problem.

+ - !



May. 29, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) This game is good and you can make large and complicated contraptions in it.But a problem that i found with complicated contraptions is that the steps on the manipulators arent numbered which causes the human eye to struggle to count multiple of the same function and makes timing the manipulators harder than it already is.But except from that its a fun game to play and it has good music.

+ - !



May. 21, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Well, I guess never mind about that solution I posted. When I loaded the saved code, it no longer has two manipulators with the pivot on the same spot. I guess somehow I just got it into a bogus position while fiddling.

+ - !



May. 21, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) My solution to the 2nd puzzle. It's not efficient in terms of components, but good in terms of time, and fun to watch. It was the best way to work around there not being a way to position the joiner so that it was equidistant from the generators. For aesthetic reasons I really wish I could fit 2 more manipulators on that one spot so they would continuously rotate instead of going back and forth. b,6,9;m,6,12,0,3,clor;m,4,9,90,2,clor;m,6,6,90,1,odcu;m,7,6,90,2,crol;m,7,6,180,2,crol;

+ - !



May. 11, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) hey! I've noticed on the save format, that the manipulators can be defaulted to rotation and length - and because I like my contraptions, I use the [save]-[fiddle-text]-[load] combo to change the defaults. I know the game has been out for a while, but is it possible to make some sort of UI for them? sincerely, a fan of the game

+ - !



May. 11, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) @realedna: your simple desing is nice but broken - out of sync. I fixed it. b,10,10;b,3,10;m,1,10,90,2,cdloruwwwwww;m,7,10,90,2,crwwr22rlorr;m,13,10,90,2,wwwcdroluwww;m,7,5,90,1,rruodwwrrc2w;

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Apr. 24, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggh. I hate that can't stop playing this game. Pure unadulterated evil krispykrem! Ugh. Job well done, sir.

+ - !



Apr. 21, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) i made a conveyor belt... doesn't win any levels, but kinda funny. m,1,9,90,3,cddouu;m,1,7,90,1,ouucdd;m,1,5,90,3,cddouu;m,1,3,90,1,ouucdd;m,1,1,90,3,cddouu;m,3,3,270,2,oldcur;m,3,4,270,3,cddouu;m,3,6,270,1,ouucdd;m,3,8,270,3,cddouu;m,3,10,270,1,ouucdd;m,3,12,270,3,cddouu;

+ - !



Apr. 21, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) i got an overly complex solution to haematite. it involves multiple near collisions. p,10,11;b,7,8;b,4,8;m,13,11,90,1,crolww;m,7,11,90,1,cluodr;m,10,8,180,1,olucrolwwcdr;m,7,6,90,1,cuodwwwwwwww;m,4,6,90,2,wwwwwwwwcdou;m,1,9,90,3,wwwwwcdlourw;m,10,9,180,1,wwcuuoddwwww;m,6,11,270,1,wwwwwcuodwww;m,6,5,270,1,2oullwwcdrr2;m,4,3,0,1,wcuuoddwwwww;

+ - !



Apr. 14, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) @zombiedeath6996 Why so comlicated? Litharge (simple) b,10,10;b,3,10;m,7,10,90,2,crwwr22rlorr;m,1,10,90,2,cdloruwwwwww;m,13,10,90,2,wwwcdroluwww;m,7,5,90,1,rruodwwrrwc2w;

+ - !



Mar. 30, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) THIS is what I think of when I imagine a great puzzle game. You are given components and a goal, but no clear way to solve it. So often level design shows only one choice that the maker thought up, but this can have so many solutions. And finding a way that works is satisfying. Only complaint is the amount of trial and error, but that is inherit in games like this. Simply an amazing game.

+ - !



Mar. 27, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Great litharge b,4,10;b,10,10;m,1,10,90,2,clorwwwwww;m,7,10,90,2,cdrruurord;m,10,13,0,2,wcdluorww;m,12,6,90,3,wwwjwwwwcdrolu;m,7,5,0,1,wwwwwwjwwwwculord;

+ - !



Mar. 27, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) i think adding a pause button would optimize the awesomeness of this game, and a sequel as well

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Mar. 21, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) @TakashiKurorai I felt the same way. However, I have a solution to that problem: Click outside of the game (but still in the browser, and press 'Ctrl' + '+'. This will zoom in the entire browser. To undo, press 'Ctrl' + '-'. Hope that helps!

+ - !



Mar. 15, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I wish the type face were clearer; it's small and pixelated, which makes it difficult to read.

+ - !



Mar. 11, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Highly inefficient Aqua Fortis, getting the timing down was very aggravating: c,3,11;b,6,9;c,11,7;t,6,13;m,13,11,90,1,crolcrolwwwwwwwwww;m,9,11,0,1,wwclorcwwwlorwwwww;m,8,6,180,1,cruuu2odddlwww;m,11,9,180,1,ddwwcuuoddwcrluuod;m,6,11,180,2,wwcdlrlrroluwwwwww;m,1,11,90,1,clorwwwwwwwwwwwwww;m,2,9,0,3,wcdouw;m,4,6,90,2,wjwc2lor;

+ - !


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